The peace, joy and love of Christ is at the very heart of all that we do at The Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School. Through religious education and our culture of prayerfulness, charity and joy, we seek to share the Gospel with our families, our parish, our community, and the wider world.

Using the example of Jesus Christ, we cultivate the skills of heart and mind that allow us to develop our talents and take a shared responsibility for ourselves, each other and the world God gave us. We profess our faith proudly and recognise that we are called to a loving relationship with God through the sacraments, scripture, and prayer.

Our school is animated by love and our shared faith and clear STRIVE values drive our behaviour, relationships, and learning; we are tolerant and respectful of the unique value of each person. Our individual needs and talents are recognised and nurtured in a warm, inclusive environment where we can use our gifts for the glory of God and in loving service of others.

We have excellent role models who empower us to believe in ourselves and provide us with an outstanding education and a wide range of opportunities - our aspirations for the future are high and we believe that through God's grace we can grow, learn and realise our full potential.

We enjoy strong links with our parish - The Blessed Sacrament, Ribbleton -and with our neighbouring parish of St Maria Goretti, Ribbleton.

Through Religious Education, children learn about the Catholic Faith and how living as a follower of Jesus, impacts on all aspects of a person’s life. (Click here to find out more about our RE curriculum)

Prayer is at the heart of all we do at The Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School and we pray together in different groupings throughout the week. Our prayer follows the Church’s liturgical year. We begin each week with a time of whole school prayer and reflection on the previous day’s Gospel reading. Children are involved in preparing and leading times of prayer in class.

Displays in classrooms and around school reflect the Church’s seasons. We enjoy strong links with our Parish community and Father Pawel is a regular visitor in school.

As a Catholic school we pride ourselves in reinforcing British Values with the children of our school, to enable them to grow into good citizens.  We aim to nurture our children on their journey through life so they can grow into safe, caring, democratic, responsible and tolerant adults who make a positive difference to British Society and to the world.  We encourage all children to be tolerant and respectful to those of different faiths and beliefs. This is done by providing the children with an understanding of the main festivals and key dates of significance to British culture e.g. Remembrance Day, the Queen's Birthday and major political events such as elections.  We celebrate key British events such as the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s wedding and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. We also have assemblies which reinforce this.

British Values