Current and prospective parents are welcome at any time to contact school to organise a visit.  Our school is incredibly important to everyone and we wish to share our learning environments and school grounds with everyone in our school family.  Please contact the school office and an appointment will be organised.  

If you require a paper copy of any of the information or policies published on the school website please contact the school office who will provide this information free of charge.

For general enquiries, please contact the school office and Miss Newsham will be happy to help you. Our office number is 01772 792572.

For specific enquiries, please contact:



Miss Kelly Hannah

Miss Kelly Hannah


Miss Nichola Bonsor

Miss Nichola Bonsor

Assistant Headteacher / SENDCO

Miss Lyndsey Newsham

Miss Lyndsey Newsham

Admissions / Finance / General Enquiries

Miss Jo Liddle

Miss Jo Liddle

Family Support

Mr Dave Hannah

Mr Dave Hannah

Buildings / Premises

Mr Gerard McKevitt

Chair of the Governing Board
Please contact via email or through the school office

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